
Saturday, July 21, 2007

I JUST found out that I passed!
Today I am officially a REAL nurse...
No more worrying.

I can sign my name, Rachel Colquhoun, RN.

Whoooooo hoooooooooo

posted by Rachel Pede @ 2:07 AM   6 comments


Sunday, July 15, 2007

So Nathan and I finally made it to Paris!
I have been waiting my whole life to see the Eiffel Tower so needless to say I was pretty excited to arrive on Bastille Day (the French version of Independence Day)
There were fireworks galore and it was like they were being conducted because the whole thing was set to music: from Moulin Rouge to James Bond themes. The whole thing was quite beautiful.
I love Paris so far. It is everything I hoped it would be. Today we are going to Versailles for a picnic.

Okay, now to my story.
So the a few points throughout the trip Nathan has been asking me for q-tips.
Whining and pleading.
Saying that he would not have enough and that his ears would get all gross.
He was really tugging on the heart strings.
Needless to say, I shared. Of course I did, what good wife wouldn't?
If anything to stop the whining.
Well today I find out that Nathan is a liar!
He has secretly been stashing the q-tips either that or not using the ones he brought to make sure he had enough for himself!
I was steaming mad. To think, my caring nature had been played by my selfish, greedy, ear-waxy husband. I promptly chased him around attempting to retrieve my lost q-tips.
To no avail.
He did end up sharing but only when he tried to tell me we had an even amount (4 each)...then I reminded him he would have NONE if I hadn't shared!
You know what was worse, he told me this was all part of his plan and then laughed at me when I caught on...(weeks later, I am a bit slow I guess, or hopelessly gullible)
Anyway, I am angry in Paris, sacrificing days without using my q-tips to save them until the trip's end, while Nathan revelled in his q-tip stealing scam!
Watch out for Nathan. I guess he is not as dirty as we all thought, or at least his ears are sparkling.

posted by Rachel Pede @ 7:47 AM   4 comments